“Alexa, Turn On the Lights”
Today’s workforce uses voice recognition in their everyday lives. Smartphones have been around for awhile, but now just about any new home, car, or even furniture item comes with some degree of voice automation and assistance. Amazon’s Alexa can be configured on a record 60,000 different devices, and Apple’s Siri is widely supported, too, making “smart” devices commonplace.
These smart devices use voice prompts and detect responses to perform actions like turning off the lights as you head out the door or responding to text messages while driving.
If you want to tap into the emerging workforce, you should be ready to arm them with technology that’s familiar and intuitive to them.
Voice Technology in the Warehouse
Carrying around a cumbersome and complex scanner, manually printing assignments with a bulky printer, or even charting progress on clipboards with pens will not bode well with this increasing segment of the workforce that is looking for streamlined and instantly gratifying processes.
With voice-directed picking technology, pickers clip on a small, light mobile device that Bluetooth-connects to their comfortable and out-of-the-way headset, which literally talks the picker through their work as the picker confirms their actions verbally.
Not only is voice more ergonomically ideal than more traditional methods of picking, but it’s also more accurate, more efficient, and the safest. Being able to travel and pick Hands-Free, Eyes-Free™ means workers can keep their focus on completing their tasks without mistakes or distractions.
Mountain Leverage’s mobile voice directed solutions can be applied through most mobile and Android devices, a cost-efficient investment in the technology that your workers actually want to use.
Implementing voice could be the first step toward setting your operation up for future success as warehouses industry-wide continue to trend toward warehouse automation. Learn more by contacting us today.

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